
As an innovative and developing company we from Tsonevski project & consulting group strive to fill up the missing units in the process of design, management and performing. As we follow the contemporary technologies, innovations and tendencies of the market we are able to meet every challenge of the exiting and changing time we live in and to take care of the investors’ engagements saving their precious time and resources.

To be useful to our clients in the process of design and implementation we offer the following services and consultations:
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  • choosing a design team;
  • choosing an independent constructive supervision;
  • choosing proper terrain or property;
  • selection of a program and method of funding;
  • selection of a consultant to prepare business plan in order to apply for the Operational Programs of the European Union;
  • full commitment to obtain all of the necessary documents and permits during the investment process (notarized copy of letter of attorney);
  • preparing detailed quantitative and value accounts;
  • selection of a proper executer;
  • investor supervision;
  • author’s supervision;
  • management of the implementation process;
  • preparing and design of the whole project documentation. Besides the precise system of preparing work investment projects and documentation we represent the missing link in the investment process – between investor and designer, executer and investor;
  • preparing a budget for the investment project;
  • exploring and providing opportunities in the energy-independent buildings and “green” architecture;
  • investigation and certification of buildings by energy efficiency class;
  • preparation of energy and technical passport of buildings;
  • team management;
  • financial and time management;
  • full commitment and control over the collection of the necessary documentation.
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Every successful business work starts with successful planning. We take five important steps to success:

  1. Targeting.
  2. Collecting and ordering data.
  3. Data analysis.
  4. Plan development to achieve goals.
  5. Plan execution.

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In the part of investment design that means:

– performing strategically sustainable business plan;

– full preliminary studies for location selection, proper estate and analysis of the urban indexes;

– preparing a budget with an approximate market price of the final product.

  • Analysis and value of a project applicability and attractiveness.
  • Analysis and value of the market potential and market sections of the project.
  • Analysis, evaluation and comparison of the competition and the alternative substitutes.
  • Analysis and planning of the technological and market necessity.
  • Studying, analysis and planning of areas, building fund and infrastructure for the project.
  • Studying, analysis and planning of the human resources and logistics necessity.
  • Studying, analysis and planning of ecological standards and restrictions and the alternative options.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the investment project needs.
  • Analysis, evaluation and planning of the revenue and expenses reports of the project.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the project returns: deadlines, full analysis of the effectiveness of the selected winning alternative and risk assessment.
  • Analysis and argumentation of the project’s juridical cases.
  • Argumentation of the project’s applicability and attractiveness.



In our work with various Bulgarian and foreign investors entrepreneurs has arisen the need of a professional consulting of their projects with the purpose of optimization, reducing the risk and achieving maximum profit. Because of the necessity of insuring such quality services to our partners we attracted in our ranks proved specialists who created our organization. Later on we started consulting our partners who have been intending to start projects or already have been working on such.

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Every investors or construction entrepreneurs with ambition to enter the Bulgarian property market should prepare themselves extremely serious about the big upcoming trials. The reality in Bulgaria is different from the other European countries as here some peculiarities exist that necessitate the use of experienced consulting firm to carry out a big part of the preliminary studies, to make evaluations, to prepare documents for applying before state institutions, to ensure support. It is necessary to study the market carefully, to prepare analysis and prognoses, to make a real assessment of the current situation of the other participants- buyers, tenants and rival firms.

The company can offer its clients all the necessary activities that precede the making of important decisions by the investor. We offer a full spectrum of project consulting services in the field of the Bulgarian real estates:

  • Investment consulting.
  • Project consulting.
  • Construction concepts.
  • Investment projects.
  • Mediation and asset management.
  • Financial management.
  • Market research and analysis.
  • A whole or partial survey of the real estate market.
  • Exploring the opportunities and preferences of the market users.
  • Exploring the rival firms’ proposals.
  • Analysis.
  • Territorial development projects, elaboration of concepts for reclaiming territory, and analysis of the possibilities for optimal space usage.
  • Preparing business plan of the project.
  • Development of the project concept.
  • Finance and evaluation– financial concept, market evaluation of the project and preliminary budgeting of all the possible expenses.
  • Consultation on the sales and the progress of the project- creation of concepts for the development of the building/complex, creation of concepts for the sales organization of the whole project/building or parts of it (separate estate units- e.g. separate apartments, offices, etc.)
  • Professional consulting of the client at any time and stage of the project, optimization of the project during building time in order to increase the property liquidity, increasing the efficiency of the sales and flexibility of the launched actions during the whole process of construction and sales.

Our services are needed and sought especially today when the real estate market is experiencing difficulties. The global crisis has changed entirely the relations, attitudes, conditions and requirements for a successful project of the buyers and tenants. Our lasting presence on the market, our close contact with the Bulgarian reality and the ambition to be leaders helps us accept the challenges.

To our clients that have chosen to use our consulting services we can offer a package of anti-crisis measures that will help and make successful projects:

  • Optimization of the expenses through concentrating on the winning directions, outsourcing and achievement of the highest work efficiency.
  • Increasing the liquidity of a project through optimization of the used materials and labor, and also through defining the optimal selling price and favorable financial conditions for the buyers/ tenants.

We are able to help the investors and the construction entrepreneurs who have decided to liberate themselves from their “frozen” or already started construction projects through selling, partnership, merging or other acceptable methods.

  • At a specific request we are capable of doing research of the market and insuring selection of projects and properties satisfying the client.

Due to the financial crisis the value of the projects and the participation conditions can be discussed according to the market and re-examined in addition.




Phase 1. Preliminary estate studies and its right assimilation

Consultation on choosing the appropriate real estate

  • Preliminary studies of the existing underground and over ground communications and the possible restrictions related to environmental protection;
  • Preliminary analysis of the building possibilities according to the client’s assignment;
  • Legal help during the property purchase;
  • Assistance in changing the land status;
  • Assistance in designing “PUP”- detailed development plan, “PUP – PRZ”-plan for regulation and construction, or partial modification of the existing plan, obtaining necessary documents for submission and approval;

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  • Organizing an engineer-geological study – soil solidity, depth of founding, groundwater and so on;
  • Studying the underground cadaster;
  • Possible communication and urban solutions;
  • Possible external connections with water and waste canal, electricity, gas, region heating, telephone, TV cable and so on;
  • Organizing or consulting the assignation and coordination of project design with EIA report;
  • Assistance in the process of issuing a building design “visa”.

Phase 2. Project design and approval

  • Consultations or preparation of a technical project assignment.
  • Exploring the possibilities of renewable energy sources and designing a higher building class according to the energy efficiency criteria and the requirements of the client.
  • Consulting the selection of optimal technical solutions.
  • Preparation of a tender documentation in order to select a designer.
  • Preparing a project contract.
  • Conducting a bidding procedure to select a designer.
  • Making a design schedule.
  • Project inspection before coordination with the connecting companies, and coordination of the project documentation with the operating companies Electricity Distribution, Water Supply and Sanitation, District heating, Gas Supply, BTC, Public lighting, Irrigation systems, Main road management and specialized public controlling authorities – Regional Inspectorate for protection and control of public health, Fire and emergency safety, National construction control inspectorate, Municipal administrations, Green systems and so on.
  • A project preparation for a contract with a consultant according to the Bulgarian Law on Spatial Planning.
  • Inspection and optimization of the projects related to the used technical solutions, operational efficiency, decrease of investment expense, completeness of the project and compliance with the normative requirements for its successful procedure and validation by the institutions.
  • Coordination and control of keeping the intermediate terms and deadlines for designing and redesigning.
  • Consulting the offered changes by the client and evaluating their admissibility when they are substantial changes approved by the construction papers and when they work as executive plans limited within the term of the contract.
  • Organization of the project assignment and preliminary design (conceptual, technical and work projects) according to the Bulgarian Law on Spatial Planning and its regulations in volume and content enough for obtaining a building permit.
  • Corresponding with state and/or municipal authorities relevant to the issuance of building permit.

Phase 3. Project funding

  • Consultations during the preparation of a business plan.
  • Determination of project cash flow:

– investor’s budget resources;

– external funding resources;

– funding programs;

– exploring the possibilities and cooperation for funding by the European programs.

  • Assistance and preparation of a preliminary budget based on a conceptual or technical project on aggregated indicators in the procedure for issuing a building permit in order to select contractor of the construction work.
  • Making a schedule for the project implementation.
  • Risk planning and reducing the unpredicted circumstances and expenses to the minimum.
  • Actualization and optimization of the budget according to the project progress.
  • Preparing a financial plan for the project implementation in accordance with the project schedule.
  • Prognosticate cash flows towards the contractual and expected expenses till project completion for the purposes of funding.
  • Consultations for making extraordinary reports to the client in case of circumstances that threaten the project’s progress and implementation.

Phase 4. Project realization and commissioning

  • Making a project for construction contract and a delivery contract in compliance with the principles of the contract terms of the International Union of Consultants Engineers (FIDIK) but adapted and harmonized with the current law and normative data base of the Republic of Bulgaria
  • Preparation of a tender documentation to select a building executer.
  • Conducting a bidding procedure to select a building executer.
  • Participation with the investor in the negotiations for concluding an agreement with the building executer.
  • Negotiations for the optimal price for building implementation.
  • Carrying out all the activities of coordination and control over the participants in the investment process, and keeping the technological order for quality execution of the contraction work set in the project requirements and normative documents.
  • Representing the investor according to the given powers in front of the state and municipal authorities and assistance in the issuing permits and approvals.
  • Control over the people responsible for the observance of safe working conditions and technological discipline.
  • Assistance and consultations with the participants in the investment process to integrate their contractual responsibilities in the common timetable.
  • Examination of the constructive works and the quality of the input materials in accordance with the investor’s requirements.
  • Conducting week coordination meetings on the building site with the participants in the construction process to solve current issues and to control the implementation of the timetable.
  • Continuous presence and monitoring of the building site; rejection of poor work, inspection and testing.
  • Coordination of the construction laboratories’ work of taking samples and making analysis of the quality of the input materials, billets, and facilities so they correspond to the operative normative requirements.
  • Investor’s requirement of an immediate removal of any poor or defect work.
  • Monitoring for the presenting of certificates about the origin and quality of the input materials.
  • Assistance to the separate construction participants in solving arguments that arise in the work process.
  • Assessing of the suggested by the investor changes in the drafts and the specifications and presenting recommendations to the investor for approval.
  • Continuous carrying on a correspondence, reports, drafts, contracts, regulations, etc.
  • Preparation of monthly statements of the work done and their compliance with the schedule- the statements consist of analysis of the visible diversions, analysis of the project financial condition, cash flow statements, information about workers, engineers’ reports, daily reports about the work on the building site, etc.
  • Performing a day-to-day control of payment documents including control of their compliance with the project solution, with the contractual unit prices and with the schedule by measuring the real work done.
  • Signing on behalf of the investor acts of the work done and accepted without notes.
  • Continuous monitoring of the payment procedure to be in accordance with the construction contract.
  • Preparation and organization of an inspection with all the participants in the investment process to sign a protocol, issue 15, Ordinance № 3 of the Law of Spatial Planning (ZUT)/2003.
  • Performing control over the firm that supervises the building site.
  • Prompt notification to the Investor about all the established problems (of technical, organizational or legal nature) relevant to the realization of the construction process and the relations between the construction participants.
  • In case of poorly executed types of construction work or of the whole construction the Investor alone, together with the Head of the project or through him obligatory gives orders for stopping the work process by giving statement about the influence of that stopping over the intermediate and the deadlines for the construction implementation.
  • Performing a final report about the progress of the implementation of the construction work, and budget execution.
  • Giving instructions for actions in case of an occurred accident or other event during the building process.
  • Preparing financial statements.
  • Realization of all procedures related to the submitting of the project to the Investor and commissioning.
  • Performing control over the submission and completion of all executive documentation.
  • Providing consultations regarding the organization and the needed documents for the preparation, and the making of complex tests, 72-hours tests in operating regime and all other tests required by the Bulgarian standards and laws.
  • Consultations on the creation of organization for training the operating personnel together with the installers of machines, facilities and technical support before transmission the object for usage.

Phase 5. Exploitation during the guarantee period

  • Instructions and preparation of the operating personnel for proper maintenance of the installations and facilities in the building.
  • Organizing committees and elaborating documents from inspections for occurred defects within the guarantee period.
  • Organizing committees in the presence of defects with representatives of the Investor, the Designer, the NSN and the Executer, as the commission writes statement about the following:

– describing the established defect;

– describing the causes for the defect;

– describing the necessary actions;

– giving a deadline for the troubleshooting;

– specifying who’s going to pay the troubleshooting;

  • Rendering assistance to the Investor for the proper exploitation of the building/object in order to achieve the capacity of the machines and facilities.
  • Execution of the procedures for releasing the retained guarantee amounts after the expiry of maintenance period (12 months from the date of issue of the usage permit).

Investment supervision


At assignation of the Investor’s supervision by the Client Tsonevski project & consulting group company does or participates in all or parts of the following activities:

  • It participates together with the Investor in the preparation of a technical project assignment. It cooperates with the Investor for the issue of construction permit.
  • It participates together with the Investor in the receiving of the project works during the separate stages as at every stage of the designing the Investor has the right to check the project works within 7 days, considered from their taking, and with a written objection it has the right to return those that in the Investor’s opinion are not completed and do not correspond with the assignment or the operative normative requirements.
  • Price survey- quantitative and value amounts.
  • It provides data analysis of the business plan of the investment intention.
  • It participates together with the Investor in the selection of subcontractors and suppliers.
  • It controls the work quality of the main contractor during the implementation of the construction works at every stage of building without disturbing the work progress.
  • Monitoring the quality of the construction works and their accordance with the Bulgarian state standard and the other technical normative requirements.

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  • Monitoring the implementation of the construction work and their accordance with the work projects and the bilateral signed quantitative amounts.
  • It approves together with the Investor the offered by the firm-executer material samples that are to be used in the construction.
  • It measures and accepts the real work done in accordance with the project requirements.
  • It establishes the compliance of the real work done with the contractual unit prices.
  • It establishes the accordance of the real work done with the implementation schedule.
  • It certifies with its signature in act №19 the volume and value of the executed and accepted construction work and deliveries.
  • It checks the condition of the delivered materials, constructions and facilities at the building site and their accordance with the verifying documents, and approves their usage if they meet the requirements. In case of diversion from the accepted standards the company stops their usage and requires their removal.
  • It checks the accordance of the quality of the delivered materials, constructions and facilities and their condition at the building site.
  • It assists the executer in solving quickly the problems occurred during the construction process.
  • It controls the pricing and the prices of the different construction works.
  • It participates in the committees composing the necessary acts about hidden works as the company requires and participates in the trial testing prior to their closure.
  • During the construction period it organizes committee about the occurred hidden defects and takes an action about their removal.
  • After the authorization by the Investor the firm assists in the issue of permit for the object usage given by the National Construction Control Direction (DNSK) and the regional departments (RDNSK).
  • It informs the Investor about the irregularities related to the quality of implementation, flaws of work organization and violation of the technological requirements of the main executor of the construction works at the site, suggesting ways to remove the irregularities.
  • It coordinates the usage of materials and products that are not in accordance with the Bulgarian state standard and requires samples and certificates from the country that products these materials. In some cases a reference design is provided.
  • Monitoring the construction execution and at every stop or delay that is not an Investor’s initiative the firm immediately informs the Investor in written form as the firm expresses its considerations and suggestions.
  • While performing its control obligations the firm can order the stopping of separate types of works or of the whole construction informing immediately the Investor. It motivates its position about the impact of the suspension on keeping the intermediate and the deadlines.
  • It organizes all procedures related to the transmission of the sites to the Investor and commissioning.
  • It organizes the monitoring of transmission and completion of the whole executive documentation.
  • It creates organizations and forms the necessary documents for the preparation and making of the complex tests, the 72-hours tests in operating regime and all other tests required by the Bulgarian standards and laws.
  • It creates organizations for the training of the operating personnel together with the installers of machines, facilities and technical support before the transmission of the object for usage.

Investment projects






